Monday, February 9, 2009

Entry #3 (end)


Well Katherine did have something to fear. Damien ended up pushing her off the top floor, making it look like she tried to kill herself. But at the hospital she still wasn't safe either, Mrs. Baylock came and pushed her out the window; she died on impact. Meanwhile Thorn, who befriended a photographer named Jennings, was in Rome trying to find a man by the name of Bugenhagen. Bugenhagen is from a long line of "Anti-Christ" killers, and Thorn is trying to find some help for his little "Anti-Christ" of his own. Well, they finally find Bugenhagen residing underneath Israel. He tells Thorn that the only way to kill Damien is to use these special knives, and he has to do it inside a church. Thorn still doesn't believe that a child is capable of all this, and he refuses to kill an innocent five year old kid. So, they leave Bugenhagen, and when they get on solid ground Thorn chucks the knives away, but Jennings strongly believed that Damien should be killed so he went to go fetch them. But while doing so a crane was lifting up a large shard of glass and it slipped from it's grasp, slicing through Jennings's neck; beheading him. After, Thorn witnesses that he starts to believe that somethings up. He heads back home, putting together the pieces; his wife dying Jennings dying, and finally realizes what he has to do. When he gets back to the mansion, he struggles taking Damien away from Mrs. Baylock, (who is a disciple of Satan, and who was put on this Earth to protect Damien) but finally runs over her with his car. They pull to the church, and Damien notices whats happening, he pulls and scratches, and does everything to prevent Thorn from committing this deed. Thorn manages to get the knives out, but someone had called the cops and the police arrived threatening to shoot him if he followed through with stabbing this "helpless" child. Thorn stabs Damien but the policeman fires and shoots Thorn. At the funeral of his parents, Damien sits with his new guardians, an snickers a painfully evil laugh.

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