Monday, February 9, 2009

"The Mist"- Stephen King

Entry #1

After a harsh Winter, A late Spring, and now a sweltering Summer, a thick mist rolls in on a small New England town. David, his wife Steff, and their son Billy see this mist, and are quite perplexed by its opaqueness, and perfectly straight edge where it cuts off. David, Billy, and his neighbor Brent Norton, embark on a journey to the supermarket to get some supplies, since the storms have been limiting their trips there. When they get there, it looks like everyone else in the town had the same idea. But, while their shopping they notice the mist rolling in onto the parking lot and engulfing everything in it's path. Thus, making it practically impossible to see beyond the sidewalk, just outside the market's doors. People start to panic, and some people decide to leave. They never saw those people again. David goes in the back room where they keep the generator and it smells horrible, the generator was overheating so he had to shut it off. Ollie one of the shop keepers, a man named Jim, his friend Myron, and a bag-boy named Norm follow him in their to see what's going on. They decide to send Norm outside into the mist to see what plugged up the exhaust of the generator. Well, they open the door and suddenly they see a huge tentacle grab norm and start writhing him about. Norm grabs on to the door and tries to get help from the other guys. David finally goes over to Norm's aid, but everybody else just stares at the enormous tentacle with disbelief. Eventually, the tentacle proves to be too strong for David to hold and Norm gets pulled into the mist, with his blood-curdling screams ringing in their ears. David takes his anger out on Jim and Myron for letting Norm go out into the mist. But he calms down and tries to think what the next step is, in this mind-boggling situation.

Entry #3 (end)


Well Katherine did have something to fear. Damien ended up pushing her off the top floor, making it look like she tried to kill herself. But at the hospital she still wasn't safe either, Mrs. Baylock came and pushed her out the window; she died on impact. Meanwhile Thorn, who befriended a photographer named Jennings, was in Rome trying to find a man by the name of Bugenhagen. Bugenhagen is from a long line of "Anti-Christ" killers, and Thorn is trying to find some help for his little "Anti-Christ" of his own. Well, they finally find Bugenhagen residing underneath Israel. He tells Thorn that the only way to kill Damien is to use these special knives, and he has to do it inside a church. Thorn still doesn't believe that a child is capable of all this, and he refuses to kill an innocent five year old kid. So, they leave Bugenhagen, and when they get on solid ground Thorn chucks the knives away, but Jennings strongly believed that Damien should be killed so he went to go fetch them. But while doing so a crane was lifting up a large shard of glass and it slipped from it's grasp, slicing through Jennings's neck; beheading him. After, Thorn witnesses that he starts to believe that somethings up. He heads back home, putting together the pieces; his wife dying Jennings dying, and finally realizes what he has to do. When he gets back to the mansion, he struggles taking Damien away from Mrs. Baylock, (who is a disciple of Satan, and who was put on this Earth to protect Damien) but finally runs over her with his car. They pull to the church, and Damien notices whats happening, he pulls and scratches, and does everything to prevent Thorn from committing this deed. Thorn manages to get the knives out, but someone had called the cops and the police arrived threatening to shoot him if he followed through with stabbing this "helpless" child. Thorn stabs Damien but the policeman fires and shoots Thorn. At the funeral of his parents, Damien sits with his new guardians, an snickers a painfully evil laugh.